Loker Tangerang Cook/Restaurant Crew

Loker Tangerang Dimes Dimsum Bar membuka lowongan Cook/Restaurant Crew. DIMES started with a passion to innovate, creating breakthrough experience to revamp the f&b industry. Dim Sum, as one of the world’s favourite cuisines, is currently lacking variation. We at DIMES, recognise that opportunity and would like to penetrate it.

The middle and upper-middle class in Jakarta and South Tangerang as the majority of the population, can now experience a high class service alongside affordable prices. Starting from the kitchen to the customer’s attendants, we will make sure that it is served with a five-star quality. By not forgetting the core of the business, all the food and beverages will be maintained to provide a memorable dish for the ones who tasted it.

Lokasi Kerja: Jl. Raya Jombang No. 9A RT 003 RW 002, Pondok Pucung, Pondok Aren, Tangerang

Deskripsi Lowongan Kerja Tangerang Terbaru:

  • Cook staff sekaligus Crew restoran yang siap memasak dan melayani customer
  • Syarat Pekerjaan:
    • Pria / Wanita maksimal berusia 28 tahun
    • Memiliki pengalaman di bidang kitchen/memasak lebih diutamakan
    • Komunikatif dan bertanggung jawab
    • Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
    • Dapat bekerja di akhir pekan dan tanggal merah
    • Sudah divaksin dan bersertifikat
    • Bersedia ditempatkan di daerah Bintaro Tangerang Selatan

Kirim Lamaran Via Email: dimes.jkt@gmail.com

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